
What is Homoerotica?


A form of erotica (sensual romantic situations) that occurs between people of the same sex, especially in the case of a same-sex couple. Homoerotica can be used to refer to lesbianor gay male erotica, but it usually refers to gay male erotic situations.


Jonathan's breath was taken away as he looked at David's naked body. The rosiness of his fair skin, the taut, pink buds that adorned his bosom, his supple haunches trembling sensually, and the softness of his sex between his thighs, Jonathan gasped with desire and love as he embraced his beloved. David almost sobbed with joy as he rested his face against Jonathan's shoulder, savoring the soft thicket of hair on his lover's breast.

See erotica, love, desire, homoerotic, slash, sensual, lusty


a unique style of gay sex

James is into the acts of homoerotica

See Jared


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