What is Homofaggay?
1. Told when something shocking happens or when something is really weird.
2. It's an more insulting word then
3. Contains all 3 words witch mean the same thing. (
Trust: That guy looks like...
Ares: Homofaggay?
Ares: OMG i cant believe it! It's so homofaggay!
Trust: Wow... something homofaggay happened.
Ares: What happened?
Trust: I just spilled some tea on my keyboard.
1. Told when something shocking happens or when something is really weird.
2. It's an more insulting word then
3. Contains all 3 words witch mean the same thing. (
4. Comes from the
iTrust: That guy looks like...
Ares: Homofaggay?
Ares: OMG i cant believe it! It's so homofaggay!
iTrust: Wow... something homofaggay happened.
Ares: What happened?
iTrust: I just spilled some tea on my keyboard.