What is Homoidiot?
ho mo ID ee it -noun. anyone who thinks that ALL
(The word
Ex. 1-
Tad: "OMG! Look! Isn't that Jocko and Rocko walking down Castro Street holding hands?"
Ted: "OMFG!
ISTFI Aren't they like the two biggest jocks atSFSU ?"
Tim: "Holy Jesus in a cartoon! They are like major jocks."
Tom: "Don't be a
homoidiot ! Not allgay men are nelly bitches like you witches are. Anybody can be aqueer and it's not so obvious like with us."
Tad, Ted, Tim: "Oh puleeze stawp it. You are scaring us Tom."
Ex. 2-
Being a
homoidiot , Frank did not realize that the CEO was gay.