
What is Homoidiot?


ho mo ID ee it -noun. anyone who thinks that ALL gay/homosexual men are weak, cry babies, a cowering sissy, a pansy, a fruit, less than a man or not masculine.

(The word homoidiot is synonomous with homoidiocy and homoidiotic.)

Ex. 1-

Tad: "OMG! Look! Isn't that Jocko and Rocko walking down Castro Street holding hands?"

Ted: "OMFG! ISTFI Aren't they like the two biggest jocks at SFSU?"

Tim: "Holy Jesus in a cartoon! They are like major jocks."

Tom: "Don't be a homoidiot! Not all gay men are nelly bitches like you witches are. Anybody can be a queerand it's not so obvious like with us."

Tad, Ted, Tim: "Oh puleeze stawp it. You are scaring us Tom."

Ex. 2-

Being a homoidiot, Frank did not realize that the CEO was gay.

See gay, homosexual, jocks, queens, butch, nelly


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