
What is Homosexual?


a person whose sexual preference is members of the same sex. Male homosexuals are usually referred to as gays, and females as lesbians. Homosexuality is not a perversion or a disease, but merely an aspect of sexuality that has been around for thousands of years.

Why are so many people homophobic? Homosexuals are great! Men should like gays since they remove twice as many men and no women from the dating pool, and lesbians, since they apparently give them something to watch; vice versa for women. Not only that, but homosexuals by default don't add to the already grossly swollen human population...


A term for someone who feels affection for someone else of the same gender. They are usually hated by idiots who think they're so smart.

1) Religious fuckheads - They think that they're going to go to heaven if they hate whoever goes against the bible. They think they're doing what God wants by parading around, shouting "GOD HATES FAGS, LOL!". They act like they have no once sinned, ever. Shit, nowadays, EVERYTHING in the bible can be a sin. Masturbation is a sin. Hell, even lust is a sin. Not even the AMISH can live a truly sinless life. But do these idiots know that? Nooooo. They think God will approve of their idiocy, when in reality, they know about as much as God as a piece of shit on the sidewalk knows about existance.

2) Anti-Aids: For some reason, 91% of the people who have AIDS all live in Africa. People are always giving homosexuals this bullshit about how AIDS was gods punishment for being gay, yet nobody ever says that it's Gods punishment for being black. Fucking morons.

3) The OMG EEEEW ITS SO GROOOOOOS people - If it's so gross, don't fucking watch it, idiots. Nobody is forcing you to watch it. So don't be a stupid assfuck. If it grosses you out, just get away. Sure, maybe there are some gays who will start hitting on you. But who the fuck cares? If you're really comfortable with your sexuality, and you have the maturity of at least someone who is 11, you'll shut the fuck up and deal with it. If these homosexuals want to plug each others asses, let them, you dipshits.

4) the closet fags - These kind of idiots will do anything to keep their sexuality undercover, and that includes calling other people faggots, and doing anything to prove that you aren't gay. Dude, if you aren't gay, then why would you be such an asshole about it? If someone thinks you're gay, why the fuck should you care?

Homophobics are uncultured fucks who should go fuck themselves and die.

I hate homosexuals because I'm a close-minded fuckface.


A person who is attracted only to members of the same sex.


A absoultely normal person who happens to love people that are of the same sex. Often riddiculed for their love and called crule terms (fag, dyke, queer, which are offencive unless the person who's saying it is gay)

While many people think it's wrong, my love for Katie is just like any other dispite the fact that we are both females.

See Rei


A guy who likes guys, or a girl who likes girls. There's nothing wrong with it, unfortunately some people assume that because homosexuals are different, they are bad and/or wrong. Many men fear them because they represent a small part of themselves. Women usually don't mind them.

He knew his childhood friend was a homosexual, so he had to insult him to keep his hetero friends off his back, even though he was secretly attracted to him.


Somone who is into the same sex. Homosexuals are not bad by the way. They are human beings. My best friend is a homosexual male, and very hot. If he wasn't gay I'd date him, because he's not like some of these crazy straight boys around here!

Dan likes Shane so this makes him homosexual, have a nice day.

See Audrey


1. A person attracted to another person of the same gender.

2. A group of people horribly shunned, the reason as of why is in the previous definitions. So many people here say that these people are going to go Hell because they're going against the bible, but guess what, you fucking enlightened 13 year olds! NOT EVERYBODY FOLLOWS THE BIBLE!

Is an example really nessecary?


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