
What is Honeycunt?


1.An attractive female whose vagina has been recognized in social rumour as one of particular wetness/tightness/alluring superiority.

2.A female possessing a particularly alluring vagina.

1."What yeah? that Jennaveave bird, mate I've heard she's a right honeycunt"

2."What he's fuckin Jennaveave now? Darlin' you'll never see him again, bitch is a bear honeycunt."

See adjective, vagina, cunt, honey, dripper


1. a term of endearment originally coined by Andrew Dice Clay for his "No Excuses" stand up DVD/VHS. The term is meant to be used with a spouse or loved one who behind closed doors enjoys being called derogatory terms such as "bitch" "slut" and "cunt".

After talking dirty talking sex

man: hey! Bring me a beer, cunt!

woman: *gasps* you can't just call me that, not when we're not...you know...you've gotta be nice about it

man: um...honeycunt?

See cunt, slut, bitch, honey


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