
What is Honeydip?


Sweet tender spotted across the room (female)that presents herself in such an unresistable manner. Good enough to eat and even better to take home to momma. A lady at all cost. Female. Lady.

A classy young lady that always presents herself as a lady in any given situation. Always smells good, looks good and taste good.

See Nicole


A really cute teddy bear.

Hey ur lucky u got a honeydip!

I want one too.

See honeydip, honey, dip, bear, cute


to scope-out a club with friends too see if there is any 'booty' in the place for either gender to ponder relations for the for the night.

Jason turned too Mike & asked, "Hey dude i have an idea for this evening, how about we go out to the bar & do a little honeydipping¿"


to get away from somebody or something, to sneak your way out of someones house....deriving from the word DIP

Yo that kid honeydipped when he saw you.

Hey I think we should honeydip this club sucks.


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