Honeymoon Period

What is Honeymoon Period?


The three-month maximum period between a person's entry into a new situation and a person's complete screwing up of said situation or essential elements of it. This phenomenon is backed by massive amounts of studies in social psychology and even more massive amounts of personal testimony from bitter, angry people.

Susannah just broke down and gave her new roommate specific instructions on where she would prefer her to travel on her next vacation. That honeymoon period is over.


(n.) After a successful candidates' election, or monarchs' ascention to the throne, the media and public will grant them the benefit of the doubt as to whether or not they can actually do thier jobs. After this, usually a month in duration, the scrutiny will begin.

After Bushs' honeymoon period, the world, now with Clinton firmly in the past, started to call him evil and retarded.

See Kung-Fu Jesus


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