
What is Honeypot?


Female genetalia. Vagina. Pussy. It probably references a "sweet surprise" not unlike the coveted treat of Winnie the Pooh. Misleading in the sense that honeypot tastes nothing like honey and is (hopefully) not as gaping or wide as an actual honeypot.

Come lick my honeypot baby!

See pussy, vagina, sugarbowl, poontang, honey pot


The female genitalia...another word/phrase for vagina or 'pussy'. Extensively used by lesbians.

"Oh man, she had the sweetest honeypot!" Or "I want some of her honeypot."


marijuana kept solely for the purpose of giving to females so as to convince them into performing sexual acts while under the influence (usually taken to parties and other social gatherings)

i.e. pot for a honey (sexy woman)

"Yo man hook me up with some chronic!" "Sorry bro, all I got left is my honeypot."

See marijuana, weed, dope, sexy, female


is a part of Nanticoke where no niggers are allowed and everyone related. It's small and confusing with maybe only 5 true roads that all have stop signs in the most ridiculous places. Everyones 100% polish. The only things you can do are go to the local park where almost everything is broken or go to the firehall where all the old guys get completely hammered and stumble home.

Lets go get drunk in HoneyPot and get lost, then go get drugs from Nanticoke.

See drunk, nanticoke, old men, old people, carol, bums


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