Honors Student

What is Honors Student?


a student in school who apparently can't be inattentive, get good grades, and stay in honors level classes

On the contrary to what many may believe, I know several honors students who procrastinate, don't take notes, don't listen to what the teacher is teaching, and they still get the grades to stay in honors classes. I guess Mrs. Sullivan was wrong.

See honors, classes, school, smart


the honors student is one who fights for the extra point after they already have a 100. they dont just the hundred, they need the hundred and one. in an average honors class, you might find bloodthirsty competive opinionated jerks who are so socially backwards it hurts. these students tend to believe that the 'advanced students'and 'average student'are inferior....which makes it that much more embarassing when the inferior students get the 101

You are such a fucking honors student!!! why do u want that extra point!?!?...ur average in the class is a 98!! jeeez whats wrong with you?!

See valedictorian, over achiever, loser, nerd


A person who particularily likes to deal with other people's shit in real life, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

That guy is such an honors student. He actually listens to girls, when they talk to him, even if they don't sleep with him at the end of the night.

See deal with it, honors


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