An excellent bargain, given to key individuals. Anyone with the hood tip and any senseat all is wealthy. It is most often specific to one commodity or product, but large amounts of wealthin one commodity can and should lead to even business dealings with another hood tip on something else (or a lot of moneyif it's marketable).
Kurt has the hood tip on trees!
See hood tip, tip, wholesale, enterprise, bargain, wealth, money, trees, The Hermit
An excellent bargain, given to key individuals. Anyone with the hood tip and any sensea all is wealthy. It is most often specific to one commodity or product, but large amounts of wealthin one commodity can and should lead to even business dealings with another hood tip on something else (or a lot of moneyif it's marketable).
Kurt has the hood tip on trees!
See hood tip, tip, wholesale, enterprise, bargain, wealth, money, trees, The Hermit