
What is Hoodi?


This word mean means Jeah, tight, and COOL

Another Deffintion for this word is if u talkin to someone be like wats Hoodi...

And when your about to fight just yell out Hoodi Hooooo and all ur friends should come and help you

Example 1

HoodiHooOkay:ay girl

HoodiHoooOkay: was hoodi

PlayBoy4lyf1: Nada just chillin

Example 2

HoodiHooOkay:I got des new airforce 2

HoodiHoooOkay: Oh Snap.. Dats Hoodi

Example 3

HoodiHoooOkay:You comin through tonight

PlayBoy4lyf1: Hoodi

See hoody, hoodie, cool, phat, sick, good


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