Hooky Bobbing

What is Hooky Bobbing?


The ancient art of grabbing onto the back bumper of a passing vehicle on a snowy or icy street and sliding along for a ride. To pull it off succesfully, you must go undetected by the police or the car's driver. An expert hooky bobber could theoretically travel from one side of town to the other by latching onto different passing vehicles. The farther you went, the wickeder you were. Advanced hooky bobbers might go so far as to wear ice skates or ride sleds or even swatches of cardboard. On warmer days, a bobber could use roller skates, skateboards, or ride along on a bike. There were dangers to be avoided: moguls, or ruts in the ice caused by compaction from large vehicles, could cause you to lose your balance, or worse, injure your back from too much road bobbing.

Micheal J. Fox was totally hooky bobbing on a hovering skateboard in Back to the Future.

See hooky bobbing, hooky bobbin


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