
What is Hooligan?


a thug who reguarly goes to football matches and starts fights with opposing supporters and is symbolised usually by: Burberry Hat, Stone Island Jacket,Lacoste Trainers,Tight Fitted Adidas/Nike Trousers And Usually Has a can of Stella or brick in hand.Also, They reguarly make up abusive chants on the terraces to threaten and strike fear into the other team and their travveling supporters.

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young foolish person who gallavants and roams the streets causing trouble.

See punkor hoodlum.

You little hooligans stay off my lawn and out my neighborhood!


a rowdy and typically young brawler vandal or trouble maker; a punk

Teenage scottish hoolgians get drunk at soccer games and kick everyones asses.


one who engages in innappropriate actions, which can be violent, shenanaganical, illegal, harmful, harmeless, annoying, cheeky and fun, dangerous, or/ and evil

"Those damn hooligans spray painted giant dripping cocks all over the super-market."

"Those hooligans moved ten kilos of blow by force and then all six of them rode down Main Street on one bicycle."

See hoodlum, gangster, gangsta, ruffian, thug, hooligan, fooligan, shenanagans


a thug, a ruffaian, a hoodlum

That hooligan is just another wimp looking for attention.

See thug, hoodlum, ruffian, gang, violence


A hooligan is a person who fight for his soccer team the most fucked up is the english

there are some rules:

you are only fighting with other hooligans or the cops

and no weapons

when 2 soccer teams are playing hooligans from each team call each other to an off that is as mass fight between the 2 teams

love it :P (special fight with police)

See soccer, fight, off


Orignally started in England as a family of Irish named the "Hoolihans" caused trouble in a particular area of England, as the Hoolihans spread in notoreity of bein aggressive, violent and dangerous they were mentioned in a newspaper that wrongly spelt their name as "Hooligan" since then Hooligan has been a reference to aggressive, dangerous, violent, abusive, loutish and other behaviours

Look at those hooligans with their hoods up acting all hard

See hooligan, hooligans, thugs, violent, aggressive


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