Hopey Mcchangerson

What is Hopey Mcchangerson?


A nickname for Barack Hussein Obama.

IMAO dubbed him with this epithet after ad nauseum stump speeches featuring "hope" and "change" during the 2008 presidential campaign.

The truth behind the platitudes and empty rhetoric is that Hopey is just another socialist utopian who wants to redistribute wealth (from producers to non-producers) under the guise of "fairness."

He is deluded enough to think that Islamofascists can be reasoned with and/or appeased.

Hopey's Marxist/black supremacist views are also extremely troubling for someone who claims to be a "uniter, not a divider."

Due to his lack of qualifications, he could easily be the worst president of all time. Even Dhimmi Carter had some executive experience as the governor of Georgia.

Hopey's wife is Michelle " Miss Thang" Obama-McChangerson.

"...the people voting for Hopey McChangerson just want sunshine-and-rainbows speeches. They don’t care about things like issues, character, patriotism, and balls."


See empty suit, dhimmicrat, barack obama, b-ho, moonbat, dhimmi, dhimmitude, islamofascist, libtard, idiotarian, useful idiot


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