Hospital Pass

What is Hospital Pass?


A dangorous pass in sport leaving the reciever liable for A and E

Rugby Commentator 1: thats a high pass out to wood

Rugby Commentator 2: Looks like a Hospital Pass John

Rugby Commentator 1: Jesus christ his broke wood's jaw

Woods: Ahhhhh

See rugby, dangerous, hasty, injury, danger


Literally (in schools, the military, etc): A pass that exempts the bearer from normal duty so they can go to hospital.

Figuratively (1): A Catch-22] situation which will inevitably lead to a person being badly hurt, humiliated or otherwise up shit creek].

Figuratively (2): In sports, a dangerous pass of the ball that may result in injury to the receiver.

Drill Instructor: Private, why are you out of the barracks?!

Private: Sir, I have a hospital pass... oohhh...

Drill Instructor: I see, that would explain all the blood spraying from your neck. NOW, STOP MOANING YOU PANSY! AND SAY SIR WHEN YOU DO!

Bill: I hear you just got assigned the Smith tax account.

Joe: Yeah, that thing is a nightmare. The IRS are investigating the company and I am probably going to be called before a grand jury.

Bill: Holy shit! That account is a hospital pass.

Doctor: So, how did you break your nose?

Private: I was playing football and the ball was passed to me.

Doctor: That doesn't sound dangerous.

Guy: Yeah, but the ball smacked directly into my face at 200 miles per hour.

Doctor: Sounds like a hospital pass. Ha ha ha ha!

Guy: Can I have another doctor?

See catch 22, shit creek, trouble, fucked, fucked over, royally screwed


The act of passing a cannabis cigarette to an individual who is so drunk that the inhalation of cannabis will cause them to feel ill or 'whitey'.

'Oh man, I accidentally gave Jimmy a hospital pass. Now he's really ill.'

See whitey, wasted, the spins, ralphing, trolleyed


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