
What is Host?


-v. intr., to provide accommodations or a place for visitors. In the world of personal ads, it means that your place is okay.

Tall, slender SWF looking for a hot SWM to service her engine. No STDs. I can host.

See Stud Muffin


One who; through actions, speech, or other written or verbal assertion (intentional or not); deserves to be bitch-slapped, jumped, verbally assaulted, or otherwise hurt or insulted by cause of said assertion.

...essentially, a tool.

Jake: "Hey! Come hang out today!"

David: "Sorry, I can't. I'm hanging out with Erica, my girlfriend by whom I am incredibly and unbelievably whipped, today."

Jake: "Dude, you're such a fucking host."

David: "Yeah; I know."

See tool, loser, dick, asshole, lame, lame-o, jerk, pendejo, hsot


Someone who is the top commander for an event, such as a party, a social gathering, or an organized formal ceremony.

This year, Larry is the host for the class of 2000 high school reunion .


1. A website that owns and controls another website, such as Geocities. A website that lets you make your own.

2. The victim of a parasite.

1. The webmaster slowly enveloped the host's bandwidth.

2. The parasite slowly enveloped the host's bloodstream.


A gaming battlecry a team will rally behind when losing badly.

"Dude were down 4-1 they must have host!"

"25 kills, wow that dudes host for sure"

See host, xbox, live, gaming, gow2


A Very faggish Thing On Halo

Where One Lucky Person, Seems To Have More "Skill".

But They Really Dont

They Just Got Lucky Enough To Host The Game.

(GamerTag001): Oh Shit, That Bitch Gots Host!

(GamerTag002): In Yo' Face N00blet Fucking Negro, I'll Eat You Up For Dinner, Lynch You, Then Pwn You On My Favorite Map Ever, Coagulation

(GamerTag001): We All Know You're A Noob. Fuck You. Fuck Coagulation. Go Back To Halo 1, You Fucking Colored-Skinned Noob.

See fag, lame, gay, sauce, boss, leak


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