
What is Hot?


I. One who is:

a. gorgeous

b. pretty

c. beautiful

d. cute

e. attractive

II. One who you would:

a. lick

b. suck

c. nibble

d. flirt with

e. have sexual relations with

III. One who makes you:

a. flip

b. crazy

c. nutty

d. pass out

e. drool

f. fantasize

g. (if girl) wet

h. (if guy) hard

i. masturbate

The intern in my history class is such a(HOT chick)hottie I get (if chick)wet / (if guy)hard just looking at her.

See Rosy


1. Someone who is sexually attractive.

2. Opposite of cold

Larisa is HOT!!!

See ll


1.someone thats EXTREMEMLY good looking but not like cute, more like sexy. when they walk by u turn ure head and wish u had a pause button or something.

2.something that is in some way attractive

1.omg that guy on the skate board wa so hot! paris hilton says "thats hot"

See becky


1. Something that is stolen.

2. A situation or place that is very suspicious and improper for the conducting of illegal business. ie. If the police are nearby or the neighbours would promptly call them if they saw anything 'suss' going down.

3. Used to describe a phone that you have been using to sell drug's and that you think might be tapped.

4. 'Red hot' - To describe any extreme of the above definition's.

1. "I've got some 'hot phones' at the moment if you want to buy one cheap."

2. "This 'chop spot' is 'red hot'! Let's roll."

3. "I'm getting a new number tommorow, this one is getting way too hot!"

See Diego


1) Having or giving off heat.

2) To make a burning feeling.

3) Stolen and/or wanted.

4) Something of great interest; Intruiging.

5) Having extreme sexual desire or attraction.

6) Angry.

1) The stove was really hot.

2) The food was over-cooked and hot.

3) The hot suspects got away with the hot car.

4) Damn, that trick was hot!

5) Alisha is really hot.

6) Did you see Steve? He was really steaming hot.


1. A desciptive word for matter when in a state more excited than usual. Touching a hot object generally gives a painful, stinging sensation.

2. Having great sexual attractivity.

1. The glowing hot sheet of aluminium burned my hand when I touched it.

2. The girl on the other side of the street was the hottest person I had ever laid my eyes upon.


1) Having extreme sexual attractiveness.

2) Housing a great deal of energy in heat form.

3) A very dangerous viral or biochemical agent.

1) "Damn, that chick is hot..."

2) It is a very bad idea to stick your hand into your furnace, because it is quite hot.

3) Ebola is referred to as a "hot agent".


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