What is Hot-carl?
Alright...A Hot Carl is done in 1 of 3 ways.
1st: You shit on your partners face.
2nd: You shit on your partners face who is sporting a piece of saran wrap over it.
3rd: You shit on to a glass table while your partner lays down underneath it.
All are varying degrees of hardcoreness!
I cant believe Lisa actually opened her mouth when i gave her that hot-carl. Dude that's fu*ked!
A Hot Carl is performed correctly when you line the recipient's mouth with saran wrap and then pinch a loaf directly into their awaiting open orifice.
A Sloppy Carlson occurs when the loaf is hot and runny (diarrhea) and forces a hole through the saran wrap, mmm.
My girlfriend wanted me to buy her roses but I gave her a Hot-Carl instead.
a hot-carl is when you cover your sex partners face in saran wrap, then u take a nice warm shit on their face and they get pleasure from the warmth.
I gave my kinky girlfriend a hot-carl
When someone (or something) named Carl has a high temperate, or is giving off a large amount of heat.
*feels forehead*
Hrm, seems like you're a Hot-Carl. You should take the day off school.
a hot carl is when u take a shit in a grls mouth she crews it up and swallows it!! and i saw this one site that is nasty but this grl gets a hot karl and instead of eatin the shit u puts in the freezer and the next day uses it for a dildo thats hott (not rele)
this grl got a massive Hot-Carl bfrom me after i ate the tacos
This is a simple maneuver where you withdraw your shaft from the bowels of her anus and place it directly into her mouth for a cleaning. Apparently some guy named Carl first tried this.
Ted:I could never do anal sex with tammy my pen15 would be all covered with shit.
Ned:Thats why you give her a hot carl plus it saves you time,water,and soap.
When you take a shit in your hand, throw it at somebody's face and kick them through a window.
I was so pissed off I Hot-Carl'd the guy interviewing me for the job!