Houses Of The Holy

What is Houses Of The Holy?


Houses of the Holy is an album released with Atlantic on March 23, 1973.

Along with the album Led Zeppelin also made it into a song.

Although they intended to put the song on the album, the band didn't think that it fit, so it ended up being put on their next album, Physical Graffiti.

Houses of the Holy has amazing songs, such as

The Song Remains The Same

The Rain Song

Over the Hills and Far Away(OTHAFA)

The Crunge

Dancing Days

D'yer Mak'er

No Quarter

The Ocean

Chris: I love that Houses of the Holy song

Brad: Do you know what album that song is off of?

Chris: Duh... Houses of the Holy you idiot.

Brad: *sigh* No it's on the album Physical Grafitti. Why don't you go listen to techo or something.

See led zeppelin, zeppelin, houses of the holy, hoth, music


A song by Led Zeppelin.

I like the song Houses of the Holy. It's tight son.

See houses, of, the, holy, cool, led, zeppelin


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