What is Hovel?
a very small yellow or blue house made from boxes, which bums make for shelter and so they can cook their food and get married in.
mr. p lives in a hovel, he has his whole life.
hovel, hut, hutch, shack, shanty -(small crude shelter used as a dwelling)
A small, mean, or dilapidated cottage; a wretched dwelling
It's where the poorest kid in school lives, or the definition of any townie's (see chav) house.
Go crawl back to your hovel, poor boy
Oh yeah?! well fuck off back to your hovel you stupid townie!!!
verb : to take shelter.
: to hide away, like a hermit.
All he wanted to do was hovel and keep warm.
hut or a very broke down house
Dj lives in a hovel.