
What is Hoverdonkey?


HoverDonkey hov·er don·key n. pl. Hoverdonkeys

A one-of-a-kind animal; small, long ears, short erect mane; hovers slightly above the ground; has tendency to urinate on fellow posters shoes without warning; a step above your average burro; pale grey/brown; When Science goes Bad, HoverDonkeys are often the result; never domesticated or tamed; A single species: the HoverDonkey (Equus (Posticus) hoverous); Invented by BadMagicGirl of the Transformerslive message board for purposes unknown; HoverDonkey is currently the only one of its kind until further reasearch and development on the project continues; Current status: escaped from captivity after remote control systems were damaged

Kym rode a HoverDonkey to work on Thursday.

See donkey, hover, science, experiment


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