
What is Hovering?


A sexual practice in which the penis is inserted either partially or fully in the vagina, but no thrusting is allowed. The rationale being that as long as no thrusting or movement occurs the act is not considered intercourse, thus maintaining virginal status and/or keeping one's number of sexual partners low. This is reportedly popular among Christian youth.

She told me we couldn't have sex, but she was down for hovering!

See hover, hoover


When you are trying to get on with a job but insolent people, 'hoverer's' keep getting in your way.

Blanche: Hey I was using the oven!

Ken: gtfo! I was there first, now stop hovering!


When a women is having an abortion. Mostly in reference to the vaccum suction. The baby is being sucked from the women.

Stacey is getting hovered this afternoon because David got her pregnant.

See BoMa


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