What is Hpa?
hot point average. it is used to give a average of how hot a group of girls are on a one to ten scale.
Person1-"want to go to the softball game?"
Person2-"nah, im not into softball."
Person1-"neither am i. it just has a really high hpa this year."
Person2-"how high?"
Person1-"eight point five"
Person2-"no way! ive got to see this!"
Hot Piece of Ass (noun, never an adjective)
Oh my goodness, did you just see that HPA?
stands for Half Price Appetizers. Refers to the deal at Applebees in which appetizers are half priced after 9 or 10 pm, depending on the location.
I'm fuckin' broke, but I love Applebees nachos! Thank God for HPAs!
An Hispanic Panic Attack.
Mainly when a person of Hispanic heritage hurts themselves, they start shouting... saying this:
Ey ey ey ey ey ey ey ey!
Pedro hurt himself and screamed ey ey ey ey ey ey ey ey!