
What is Huangma?


Huangma is the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean name for Jute, a coarse vegetable or bast fiber traditionally used to make Burlap or Hessian and Gunny Bags. Huangma in these languages mean, "Yellow Hemp". The major species of Jute are Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius.

Names of Jute in other languages:

1. Italian = Iuta, Juta, Corcoro

2. Spanish = Yute

3. Russian & Allied Languages = Dzhut

4. Arabic & Allied Languages = Lif Khysha (Burlap Fiber)

5. German = Jutefaser

6. French = Chanvre du Bengale (Bengal Hemp)

Chinese: 黄麻

Japanese: ジュート

Korean: 황마

All pronoucing Huangma.

See jute, burlap, gunny, hessian


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