
What is Huck?


A long pass in the sport wordultimate

Holy crap he just threw a breakside forehand huck!


huck: to throw, chuck, lob, whatever

dude... he's coming back, huck it!

See elliot


In Mountain Biking terms to jump off/drop from a hight to flat land

a large 'drop off'

He Stacked hucking from a ledge


Huck: (HUK) {Verb}.

1.Term usually used when skiing.

2.To Jump of something unaware of the consequences.

"Hey bro, I'll pay you 20$ if you can Huck that forty foot cliff!"


1) A term generally used in extreme sports referring to a large jump, often without knowledge or regard for the risk or consequences.

2) The term can also be applied to risk assesment in everyday life, taking actions regardless of the risk or consequences. (A strengthening of resolve, as opposed to 'fuck it' which is a form of giving up)

1) "He hucked the jump over on the north corner, not even knowing about the gravel pit below"

2) "This may not be my best decision, but huck it, I'm going to try anyway"

See extreme sports, huck it, mountain biking, bmx, snowboarding, skiing


another word for jumping in freeride mountain bikiing

he hucked a 20 ft drop to flat on his bombproof hardtail. jump,to fly off

See matt


Nickname of the central character in Mark Twain's immortal classic "Huckleberry Finn". Despite it's frequent banning by the politically correctthrough its use of the "n-word", Huck's common sense morality recognizes that there is good in all people regardless of their skin color.

“I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n.” - Huck, realizing that his black raftmate Jim was just as human as everyone else.


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