
What is Huevonitis?


a severely debilitating condition in which a physical being is suspended in a prolonged state of inertia.

Derived from the combination of the English suffix -itis (typically used to denote an inflammation) and the Spanish word huevón which means "lazy person".

This definition strictly applies to usage in the Southwest region of the United States. Can't vouch for it's inoffensiveness in other areas of the United States or the world. I'm not sure, but in some areas of the world, you might need to have some huevos to refer to someone as having huevonitis.

Upon entering your messy home unannounced, your mother-in-law exclaims, "¿Qué te pasa, niña? You have a case of huevonitis, or what?"

See lazy, lethargy, inert, molasses, bum


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