
What is Hummilingus?


(noun) The act of humming while performing cunnilingus, for the specific purpose of enhancing one's partner's pleasure. The "humming" could literally be an audible humming sound created with the vocal tract, or alternatively, only a figure of speech, used to describe any number of techniques for causing the mouth, tongue, cheeks, or other parts of the face to rapidly oscillate or vibrate.

Origin: Probably a portmanteauof the verb to hum and the noun cunnilingus. Of uncertain date of origin, but frequently used within the last five years on the internet by some of the reclusive writers who post at forums where extramarital affairs are discussed. Also seen at completely different forums, where perplexed schoolteachers ponder the meaning of recently coined words, used by their students. (In this case, slangdefine provides a valuable public service to educational professionals!)

postings by schoolteachers, probably wondering about the meaning of various alternative spellings of hummugus, humongous, or humungous, at forum --

Original Post (OP) ...My favorite student mistake so far-

A girl wrote a sentence with the word 'hummnungus.' Just as gaint means giant, I think the first word is humungous, but you can never tell with kids.

Posted by G at September 25, 2004 07:27 PM


Comments to OP--

The word of the year is "GINORMOUS". A mixture of "giant" and "enormous" that seems to be permeating my household of late. I thought after junior high they stop making up their own words. I was wrong.

Posted by: pua at September 26, 2004 04:49 PM


"Hummunungus" sounds like something boy hummingbirds would do to girl hummingbirds. But I didn't say that out loud.

Posted by: PatCH at September 27, 2004 03:08 AM



Posted by: palochi at September 27, 2004 02:21 PM

Posted to an internet forum for discussing extramarital affairs, the Philanderers Forum, found at privateaffairs and associated with philanderers


OP (original poster): "my last MM (boyfriend who was a married man) had a delightful way of eating pussy. "

Her girlfriend and confidant: "What, may I ask, did this accomplished pussy eatermanage to do, to be so thrilling to your jaded libido?"

OP: "ummmmm... he hummed."

Confidant: "He did what? He hummed a tune?"

OP: "Not exactly. It's hard to describe. I am not sure if it was humming. Whatever it was, he made his mouth vibrate, giving my clit the most subtle but intense sensations. It was almost too intense. At first, I did not like it. But he seemed to be able to tell how much I could stand, by listening to me moan. So, if I would relax and sing out to him, he could fly me up to altitude faster than a pocket rocket. I was very sorry to see him go back to his wife."

Lurking participant, chiming in: "Wow! Sounds like he was givin' you hummilingus!"

OP: "Hummilingus? How apropos! He not only hummed like a Hummingbird, but like a thirsty little bird, was eager to lapup all of my nectar, too"

Confidant: " The humming-bird? Mon dieu! Le colibri de Montréal Club Super Sex!"

Lurking participant, again: "Careful, you can't believe everything you read in this forum... could be tongue-in-cheek... or on the other hand, literally, TONGUE!"

See humongus, humongous, hummugus, humungous, hum job, humming-bird, hummingbird, nectar, lap, eat pussy, pussy eater, cunnilingus, clit, humming on my microphone, pocket rocket, scream, moan, moan button, moan pony, tongue-in-cheek, tongue


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