
What is Hungwah?


hung·wah h ng-wäh 1: a state of mind 2: used as a greeting or farewell 3: used to express exuberance or enthusiasm 4: a shout of applause or triumph 5: used as a hearty toast 6: the ultimate rally cry

However formal this definition is, it really does not define or clearly explain hungwah. In some respects, you cannot fully define, or corral, the true meaning of hungwah. Hungwah is boundless, limitless, infinite and eternal. Therefore, the following “Frequently Asked Questions” might further help you to know and better understand the true meaning of hungwah. But first you must understand some basics.

Hungwah Basics

You are either hungwah or you are not hungwah. It is black and white. There is no gray middle. You know when you are hungwah. If you do not know whether or not you are hungwah, then you are not hungwah. It is that simple.

You can be hungwah and you can have hungwah. In other words, you can be “happy” and you can have “happiness” in you. But, you cannot have the second without having the first. Being hungwah means you have hungwah, or that you possess hungwah. It begins with a simple state of mind. If you believe you are hungwah, then you are hungwah. It is that simple.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know if I am hungwah?

A: You just do. If you believe you are hungwah, then you are hungwah.

Q: How do I know if I have hungwah?

A: You know because you are hungwah.

Q: How can I be hungwah?

A: By choosing to believe you are hungwah.

Q: How can I get hungwah?

A: You must first be hungwah.

Q: Can I lose my hungwah?

A: Yes, but it is retrievable.

Q: How do I retrieve my hungwah?

A: By choosing to be hungwah as your state of mind. If you believe you are hungwah, then you are hungwah, and thus, have successfully retrieved your hungwah.

Q: Can I give hungwah to another person?

A: Yes, but only if that person is receptive or susceptible to being hungwah. Hungwah can be contagious.

Q: Can I give hungwah to a place, or to a thing?

A: Yes, because only nouns can be hungwah and have hungwah.

Q: How do I give hungwah to another person?

A: By being hungwah, you are infectious to those receptive or susceptible to being hungwah. Your hungwah becomes contagious to others. Just be hungwah hungwah! That will do it. However, if they do not want to be hungwah, they cannot become hungwah.

Q: How do I give hungwah to a place or to a thing?

A: To give hungwah to a place and/or to a thing simply requires you to state that this place and/or thing is hungwah. Then it is hungwah. And all shall rejoice and say exuberantly, “Hungwah!”

See greeting, farewell, excitement, cheer


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