
What is Huzzah?


the crazy english version off "hooray"

english dude 1: i say winston, lets go fetch some tea and crumpets.

winston: Huzzah!


Used to express joy, encouragement, or triumph.

1. A shout of "huzzah."

2. A cheer.

"Th'dragon is dead! Th'Knights o'th'Round killed'm, they did!"

And a rousing "Huzzah!" arose from the gathered masses.


Used primarily, it seems, in the middle ages, it is/was used to express joy.

Ye olde renaissance fair is in towne! huzzah!

See Hanami


exclaimation of joy or happiness

"Huzzah! That was awesome!"


A word used to express joy

Sally: "hey tony let's fuck!"

Tony: "HUZZAH!!"

See ruby


Exclamation that Balrog shouts in the game "Doukutsu Monogatari (Cave Story)" almost every time he appears on the screen.

"Huzzah!" --Balrog from Doukutsu Monogatari

See balrog, murgo


An exclamation of joy. Not used as much as it should (it's so much fun to pronounce). Mostly used nowadays by Mr.Burns and other Matt Groening characters.

"Well huzzah, huzzah. I'll just throw back my legs and pollute my britches with delight."

-- Mr. Burns

See huzzah, haza, huzza, mr. burns, simpsons


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