
What is Hwaa?


a word used to laugh at someone elses misfortune.

pronounced 'hwaaghh', the '-aaaghh' sounding similar to the sound a duck makes.

also spelt 'hwa', but this is widely considered to be incorrect as it sounds like 'hwu' (which is stupid)

1. "man i just got owned in that game."

"hwaa. sucked in."

2. "im on fire."


See hwa, hwaa


a word used to laugh at someone else's misfortune.

pronounced 'hwaaghh', the '-aaaghh' sounding similar to the sound a duck makes.

also spelt 'hwa', but this is widely considered to be incorrect as it sounds like 'hwu.' (which is gay).

1. "man, i just got owned in that game."

"hwaa. sucked in."

2. "my shirt is on fire."


See hwa, hwaa


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