
What is Hyphy?


Main Entry: hyphy

Pronunciation: "HIGH-fee"

Function: adjective

Etymology: Etymology: San Francisco Bay Area, shortened perhaps from English dialect "hyperactive"; other sources cite a combination of "hype" and "fly." Popularized by E-40 and the Federation's song "Hyphy" (2004); first known use on record by Keak Da Sneak in 1998 (on "Cool," from his LP Sneakacidle).

1 : dangerous and irrational: CRAZY;

2 : amusingly eccentric; without inhibition: GOOFY

"They were getting hyphy up in the club Saturday night."


sf bay area version of crunk

"hyphy the same way the south get crunk"

See kidd


1.Go stupid, dummy, retarted.

2.Get out of hand

1. We got hyphy in da parking lot after the club let out!

2. Dat bitch was trying to get hyphy cuz her friends was wit her


crazy, high-energy, temperamental

Origin: Bay Area, CALIFORNIA

also see hyfey

Them ninjas hella hyphy hangin out the doors in the scraper!


a way of living - hype, crunk, actin a fool, ignorant

It was actually first used by Keak da Sneak on 1999's Sneakacydal

We stay hyphy, in our white tee, and our black jeans, and our Nikes


It's Cali's version of Crunk. Intead of sayin let's get crunk, you'd say get hyphy. Hyphy's gettin crazy, stupid, dumb, retarded..ect.

Hyphy! Make a baby mama slap her baby's daddy (Lyrics from the song Hyphy by Federation)


Although mostly Bay Area, getting "hyphy" is more of an Oakland word defining getting ignorant, drunk/high, and quite violent within a group of friends.

Them krazy ninjas in the Town were gettin hyphy with them Boys in Blue, the fools were scraping the Pigs.


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