What is I?


The emoticon for Emo.

Also the emoticon for pussy.

(I) looks like a girls pussy.

See emoticon, emo, emos, pussy, vagina, cunt, slit, piss slit, gash, snatch, whiskers


A letter Apple really seems to enjoy putting in front of every single product they sell.

iMac? What the fuck is this shit?

*kicks the expensive paperweight*


An imaginary number. The square root of a negative one.

What is 2i squared?


A letter that overly energetic high school girls add to their otherwise traditional names to make them "cute".

Cheerleader: Hi, I'm Jenni--with an i! And this is my friend, Christi.


1)First-person singular pronoun in a sentence's subject.

2) '1' in Roman Numerals.

3) The Alphabet's 9th letter.

1) I am trying out this new hair regrowth formula.

2) Super Bowl I had the Packers in it, so you should be glad that you weren't alive to see it.

3) 'I' comes after 'H'.


An integer variable which, for historical reasons, is commonly used to count the iterations of a loop.


int main (void)


for(int i = 0, i <= 9999, i++)


cout << "All work and no play

makes Jack a dull boy. ";


return 0;



symbol for current, in amperes. Defined by the voltage (in volts) in a current divided by resistance(in ohms).

The voltage is 10 Volts, and the resistance is 5 Ohms. So, I is equal to 2. I need to get laid. Badly.

See Tom


See Narcissist.

See Blah


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