I Am Teh Ghey Sexy

What is I Am Teh Ghey Sexy?


This is a modern day internet mockup overly used by teenagers, and some nerds. It implies a slight tongue in cheek remark relating to a persons own sexuality whilst at the same time mis-spelling the word ''the'' and changing it to ''teh''.

When first looked upon, it may look as though a person is stating abuot themselves that they are:

1. Gay

2. Sexy

When infact they are just showing their ability to laugh at themselves and act in a ''homo-erotic'' manner of somesort. It is widely used across message boards and whatnot.

Mullan: Im taller than you so I win.......

Dave: But I am teh ghey sexy

Mullan: {eyes_back_and_forwards_smilie}


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