What is I Love You But I'm Not In Love With You?


Phrase used exclusively by shallow self-absorbed individuals who actually have no concept of what it means to love or be loved. Their hearts are vacant and usually associate sex not with a deeply emotional or spiritual experience but rather purely a physical and transient act involving no emotion. Such individuals are limited in both intellect and in normal socialization skills. People who use this overused cliche usually suffer from a combination of schizotypal disorder and sociopathy. A catch-all phrase when the person doing the dumping knows there is no reason for the relationship to end, other than for purely selfish reasons of wanting to pursue sexual relations with other individuals outside of the current relationship.

I love you but I'm not in love with you


I don't love you and I want to experiment with other people

See love, transient, but, not, in, with, you



I don't love you.

#1 "You.. You're breaking up with me?"

#2 "I love you but I'm not in love with you."

#1 "Oh, that's OK then."

See love, betrayal


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