I See How It Is

What is I See How It Is?


A five-letter phrase to either sarcastically but sometimes literally imply that you are deeply insulted or offended by what was just said.

The first two words to the phrase "I see" are the equivilent to "I understand".

The beauty of this phrase is that "it" can refer to just about anything, and is vague enough to seem as if you have misinterpereted the meaning behind what was just said in more exaggerated terms that have offended you much more than what was intended. It can be used to express that you are insulted or that you feel exluded or to pursuade someone into taking back a rejection or reconsider turning down an offer. "I see how it is" is sometimes followed by reasonings as to how "it" (whatever "it" may be) is how it is. It is a creative twist to the phrase "Don't be like that" or "don't be hate'n".

"I see how it is" can also refer to a relationship, and is a shortened version of "I see how it is between us". This use is usually meant to sarcastically tell another person that you are enlightened by how the relationship has changed for the worst (sometimes by simply what was just said) or how you have come to an understanding about the person having ulterior motives in the relationship or that to your suprise you discovered through what they just said that they dislike something about you. This can all be included in the reasoning stage after the phrase "I see how it is" is said.

If the person tries to appologize, the phrase "Oh, I see how it is" can be used to interrupt the person before their explanation is finished. Using the phrase in this way cane make it seem as if you are even more insulted, as opposed to leaving a breif silence before "I see how it is" is said. The phrase "I don't want to hear it" can be used even before the reasoning stage (in which "it" is refferring to their appologetic explanation for whatever they just said).

The phrase "I see how it is" almost demands immediate action to be taken or changes to be made in your favor to make up for what was just said.

Case One:

Sue: "Sorry John, but you can't come to my house for dinner tonight. We're having company over and my parents made other plans....."

John: "Oh, OH.. I see... I see how it is!!! I don't want to hear it, Sue. Its just 'cause I'm fat and you're too embarassed to show me off to your family. You think I'll eat everything off the table, but you know what Sue? I'm not the kind of person that would do that. I was taught good manners too you know. I can be a gentleman. I can't believe you think that I'm some sort of slob... Thats not cool, Sue. Not cool at all. Right through the heart... I thought you liked my fat belly. You said it turned you on. And now you expect me to loose weight? Is that it? Like, if you wanted me to do something about my weight you could've just come right out and told me. I know I'm fat. But I never thought it was a problem for you. Why did you lie to me like that?

Case Two:

Joe: Hey Tom, do you want a chip?

Tom: Sure, thanks.

Chris: Oh, you're not gonna offer me one? I see how it is.... its 'cause I'm black isn't it...


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