
What is Idiotretardism?


This is a disease affecting people so that they have such odd Idiosyncrosies that most people think they are retarded or idiots ! Though they are actually extremely intelligent, It may not appear that way to people who are not affected by this infliction ! They are also drawn to curmudgeons for some reason !

Carrie and Tonya have the idiotretardism disease !

See idiot, retard, corny, different, weird


This is a disease affecting people so that they have such odd Idiosyncrosies that most people think they are retarded or idiots ! Though they are actually extremely intelligent, It may not appear that way to people who are not affected by this infliction ! They are also drawn to curmudgeons for some reason !

Carrie and Tonya have the idiotretardism disease !

See disease, idiot, retard, intelligent, curmudgeon


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