What is Idk, I Saw It On Youtube?
A phrase used to easily get authority and back up a statement in which you have no knowledge or understanding of. Can also be used as an escape route to quickly end or get out of a conversation(see example 2).
George: Don't place it near open flame, jackass.
Mike: Why?
George: Its gonna explode or something...Idk, I saw it on youtube.
Mike: Alright.
(to end/get out of a conversation)
Jim: It's not going to work, you have to fix the wires first.
Bob: Naa man, it's fine. I've done this before.
Jim: Are you sure?
Bob: Idk, I saw this on youtube though.
Jim: Oh okay.
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A veriable on w00t.. just to say something is cool. Originally from CS.
Guy 1: I gave him a friggin headshot!
Guy 2: w00tersc00ter!11!..