
What is Idrees?


In Islamic tradition, Idrees, or Idris is a prophet who lived after Adam and before Noah. He is equivalent to Enoch and is credited with inventing writing and science.

Rakim is like the Idrees of hip hop.

See idris, enoch, prophet, hermes, tailor


I'll give you one thing: you've got balls - big ones. They may be mine, and bouncing off your chin, but you've still got them.

oh idrees has balls i never knew that...?


he's so ugly he went into a haunted house and came out with a job aplication.

idrees always fails in life and can never get a good job anywhere, i.e. he's a dick sucker.


idrees is so stupid, he's still in the shower washing his hair

he's so stupid he didn't get that joke... rinse, lather, repeat

white people named idrees usually turn out to be dumbass WIGERS!!!


A dirty mother who likes to flirt and make love with to his mother, he is a bisexual maniac, who wants his father to literaly "be his daddy"

Idrees is a gay whore!!


Your idea of fighting involves stealing the nearest pair of specs and shouting "Not the face! Not the face!" whilst adopting the fetal position.

you are a coward and a white peice of shit


You're not even worthy of being called chicken-shit, you sloppy piece of newly hatched chicklet diarrhea.

i shit you out into the toilet every morning.


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