
What is I-duff?







or (I-DUFF)

The new and improved Apple trademarked iDUFF to irritate the fuck out of everyone!

Similar to a dumb bitch and even more similar to the everyday DUFF, but irritating as hell.

A dumb bitch who comes who college dorm uninvited to hang with her roommate while her roommate is visiting her boyfriend at another college and who just wants a little poontang. The I-Duff not only cockblocks said boyfriend, but annoys every fucking in the building through the following: 1) Bitch yells to everyone all the fuckin' time how she loves you 2) Bitch somehow learns your name, even though you and previously mentioned boyfriend haven't mentioned it 3) Does dumb shit all the fucking time to irritate the hell out of every soul around her, thus causing everyone to be pissed off 4) All of the duff traits are fullfilled, thus not even making for a nice bust-a-nut night with any guy around while his roommate is gone

See bitch, dumb, whore, duff, i-duff


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