
What is Ig?


Ig is the great Vulture with cushy feet who watches over us all and protects us in his mighty wings.

There is but One Ig, his mighty beek smites those who would blaspheme. His Beady Eyes, can give a pericing look that will turn even the stong to mere wimpering blobs of misery. Ig is the holder and caretaker of the EYE of Ig, a stone of great power worn about his neck. See also Church of Ig

Oh Mighty Ig forgive us our missteps and hold us in your mighty wings. AMEN

See ig, soop vulture



used to denote an ignorant or foolish act

a shorter, less cumbersome version of the word "ignorant"

She said to the would-be kisser,"Don't be ig"

Simon derided the poseur, "That dude was straight-up ig!"

After losing all his cash he sighed in exasperation, "I am so friggin' ig."

See ignorant, uneducated, stupid


Ig, Almighty vulture God with fuzzy beek and cushy feeps.

Great Ig cares for all who would care for his birdies. Those who love birds - apart from the Kentucky Fried Chicken variety - and would nurture them, have a sure home and refuge in his flint-like heartbone.

'Great Ig, have mercy on us that show mercy to your birdies, and care not that they occasionally poop on our hats.


See ig


Ignatz Maximilian, Graf von Loeffelgeier und Suppenbecher, born March 2, 1746 in Thuringia. Faithish retainer and right-clawed assistant of his BM Beloved Master, HE The Lord S. The oldest living thing on the planet that is not made of wood, Ig for short is the constant companion of HE The Lord S in his world travels and travails, and the present bearer of the physical manifestation of the EYE of IG, the Holy Stone of the Mighty Vulture God, Ig/IG. He is grumblish and bad-tempered, but has served his BM's family since the mid-19th century, and his BM since birth. He thrives on a mixture of chocolate of any kind, muffins and lemon maringue pie, which he causes to disappear at an astonishing rate. He collects pins but is v. partial to anything related to trains, and has a large and enviable collection of DVDs, videos, and train memorabilia. Seeing the advantages to be gained by the use of steam transport, he invested heavily in the original railways of Great Britain, and is therefore filthy rich in his own right, but wisely choses to remain low-key about it, adopting a servant-like attitude tempered with an acerbic wit, general curmudgeonly exasperation and sharp ironic sarcasm that would be the envy of any politician. He is well-loved and/or tolerated by all fortunate enough to make his acquaintance, and can finish the 'Times' crossword, in ink, in less than three minutes. His general appearance, that of a foot-high fuzzy-topped vulture with a bright yellow beek, should not trick the unwary - he has a very powerful grasp on small items that venture his way coins, candies and the like as well as a very powerful grasp of human body language. A lool from his beady eyes can wither corn stalks at fifty paces. He is NOT to be taken lightly by anybody who wishes to retain all their original fitments.

Ig, companion of HE The Lord S.

See ig, feeps


to forget, ignore

"just to ig my two-way, ig the shit in the streets"

See Jack Meoff


To do something ignorant

"Refill the ice tray when it's empty, don't be fucking ig."

See ignorant, foolish, ig, goof, zeek


an eigth of an ounce of weed

yo man, can u hook it up with an ig?

See ig, eight, weed, dank, bomb


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