
What is Igger?


an indaian nigger

whats up my igger?


An East Indian person or person of East Indian decent who thinks that they are black. Just like a wigger, excpet this applies to Indian people. These kind of people can commonly be found on myspace.

That guy Don Revo is a real igger.

See wigger, indian, desi, pigger


indian version of the african american term; can be used by any race when referring to an indian

tiger woods: "Yo vijayyyy, whats good my igger"

vijay singh: "Nothin much dawg, just hittin' up da links"

See nigger, wigger, igga, g, nig


igger is a word white people use cause there scared to say nigger

I said igger not nigger

See black, nigger, panda, tar baby



Islamic Gun Grabbing ESDL Retard

Obama is an IGGER!

Obama is a gun grabbing Islamic ESDL

See esdl, demorat, democrats, obamanation, usurper


it is the same way like callin a black man a nigger but it is directed to a indian

(bad way of callin an indian)

Wow, watch out for that igger



Someone who constantly ignores (iggy's) people in chatrooms and IRC, usually followed by informing the person of their being iggy'd. Yahoo chatters with programs like YElite and YTunnel are the worst offenders as those programs automatically spit out some digital garbage like " user, you just got ass canned in t3h hiz0uze biznatch yo yo yo! 1337 yidiots got theysawves CANNED yo yo yo!"

See the fucking goddamned definition!! Stupid slangdefine and it's "Example must have at least 20 letters and 3 words"...


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