What is Ik?
I know. I know. I know.
" Did you know that?"
Used in IM. Means I know.
"Instead of typing three extra letters, I prefer ik."
idiot king of
formerly chosen every week, now the bat king reigns
ik beecock plz
Teh mastar of butsechs and man lovin'
<iK> Damn I love man juiced flowing out of my ass.
17:33 <iK> i think i need to quit fapping for awhile though, im losing my shot day by day
The Slave of MajinTincan
<iK> Majin, I just love your sexy body
Inverse kinematics, used extensively in character animation.
IK is the opposite of FK, forward kinematics. In FK, you move and rotate bones in order to make movement. For an arm (eg), you rotate the shoulder, the arm, the forearm, then the hand, to maybe get your character to hold something.
In IK, you'd start with the hand using an IK target, and move up from there if necessary.
Professional animator: IK is useless. Use motion capture instead if you want to really make moneys.
Hobby animator: IK is a lifesaver!
Noob animator: IK?