
What is Ike?


whatup ike?

definition: this one is kinda tough. easiest way to define it, is it's kinda like the word dude. but you can only use it when you're talking to someone directly. you can say " i aint even tryin to hear that ike" or " whassup iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike" but you can't talk about someone indirectly, such as " look at that ike over there" or "that ike aint hard" also, it can't be pluralized.

history: "ike", short for issac, was an infamous drug lord that lived on the hill district in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. the hill is pretty much the hardest part of pittsburgh, run by the bloods((if u dont know what a blood is, kill yourself)) anyways, Ike was shot and killed one night in a gunfight with rivals, and was hailed as a hero to the bloods. since then the bloods have been calling each other by his name as a sign of respect.

"whatup ike?"

"hey ike, lemme hold one of dem squares right quick"

"niggas aint got this pimp game ike"


term of brotherhood; showing friendship

what's up, ike?


Friend, hommie, dog

What's crakin Ike?

See Tiffany


Nickname for Five Star General Dwight Eisenhower.

I like Ike. - Common campaign slogan of his preidential campaign.


A blue haired sword-user from Super Smash Bros. Brawl and the well-known Fire Emblem series who fights for his friends and does crack and heroine. He is also father to Sothe's children.

"I fight for my friends... I also do crack and heroine!" -From the video "Ike fights for his friends!"

"Right. Lord Ike, "hero" of the Crimean Liberation, leader of Greil Mercenaries, and father to Sothe's children..." -Excerpt from Micaiah's words.

See ike, fire, emblem, ssbb


A character from Fire Emblem that uses a 2 handed sword with one hand! He also has blue hair.

Ike is the character that is replacing Marth in Super Smash bros. Brawl.

See marth, fire emblem, roy, nintendo, ssbb


To bitch slap someone, usually (but not always) someone who you have an intimate relationship with.

From Ike and Tina Turner, a couple notorious for their 'alleged' fighting, especially the physical abuse he gave to her (which he denied doing at all.)

Usually said/used with a sense of false/unrightous indignation.

"Baby, I HATE when you make me, but you best be quittin that shit you is pullin' or else I'm gonna HAVE go off and Ike your bitch ass!!!"

See bitch slap, beat down, slap, pimp slap, hit


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