
What is Illegit?


1. not legal

2. not logically admissible

3. without justification

An illegit child: Alan Lau


The shortened form of illegitimate.

It is the antonym of legit, a slang term that is the shortened form of "legitimate". However, because the word is often replaced for words like cool, awesome, and dope, the sentences it is used in often don't make sense. Therefore, the word legitin some cases may be, in itself, illegit.

Me: Hey man, those shoes are legit.

Pat: Yes, I know that they exist. Your use of legit fails, and is quite illegit.

See legit, legitimate, illegit, illegitimate, exist, slang, awesome, cool


1) ADJSo fucking weird , disturbing , suspicious, rude, obscene , crude, shitty, crucial, sad, fucked up, or shady.

2) NOUNBeau

3) ADJ opposite of being legit; lack of originality, taste, pleasure, money, and intelligence.

4) VERBto take away one's legitness

1) B-LO was being mad illegit after 5 of those rolls.

2) Work was so illegit playing pool last night.

3) Snitches are so illegit

See legit, rollin, rollin face, legitness, g's up


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