
What is Illiternet?


A person who is not e-literate: thinks the world wide web and the internet are two seperate entities, sends emails in all caps and falls for "If this banner is flashing then you have won $$$!" ads.

"Hey man you gonna ask that Emily chick out or what?"

"No way dude, she's a total illiternet."

"Oh. Tough break."

See Frob


Adj. A person who is NOT new to the internet, but cannot grasp the concepts. They just don't get it. Not to be confused with terms like "noob" or "noobie" - it's okay to not understand something because its new. Illiternet people aren't new to the web - it just seems like it because they never learn. They usually write down step-by-step instructions for every day tasks like checking email or accessing a bookmark; but one wrong click and they've got to call tech support.

My mom keeps forwarding her spam to me. She thinks I can somehow alert the proper authorities. She's totally illiternet.

See noob, noobie, computer illiterate


Complete ignorance of the internet.

Alice couldn't send an email if her life depended on it, she is so illiternet.

See internet, www, world wide web, net, surf, illiterate


A word some idiot made up as a cheap supplement for n00b.

The person thought he was clever when he combined the

words "illiterate" and "internet" even though the word's definition applies to illiterate internet losers who can't spell "you" or "why" without eliminate two letters, or using abbreviations for 2-5 letter words, sometimes even making the word harder to type (i.e. mai, boi, ur).

Its other word that it alters, internet, has absolutely nothing to do with people or rookies.

Don't use this word. You are an idiot if you do.

See Anonymous


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