What is I'm Fucking _________?


A way to tell you partner that you are currently fucking someone else.

Kathy: Hey Jasper it’s me. (Talks about how Kathy has spent her Relationship with him)and I still haven’t told you and it’s just not right, so here it goes.

Kathy: I'm fucking Edward Cullen

Edward: She's fucking Edward Cullen

Kathy: I'm sorry but it's true

Edward: She's Fucking Edward Cullen

Kathy: I'm not imagining it's you

Kathy: I'm Fucking Edward Cullen

Edward: On the bed, on the floor, on a towel by the door, in the tub, in the car, up against the mini-bar


"I'm Fucking _________"

See matt damon, fuck, fucking, jimmy kimmel


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