
What is Impactful?


A non-existent word coined by corporate advertising, marketing and business drones to make their work sound far more useful, exciting and beneficial to humanity than it really is. This term is most frequently used in "team building" seminars and conferences in which said drones discuss the most effective ways to convince consumer zombies to purchase crap they clearly do not need or even want.

"The board was convinced that my new ad campaign for arsenic and semen flavored lollipops for tots will be incredibly impactful and will generate heaps of sales."

See impactful, jargon


Commonly used in advertising, impactful refers to campaigns or executions with a positive effect on consumer perception or awareness (even if the opinion held is not positive). Advertising impact is commonly measured through advertising effectiveness research.

Source: Prnewswire

"Said Pernod Ricard USA's Kletecka: "Beefeater is the world's largest

selling premium gin and appeals to a stylish audience. The new packaging is

a bold move that positions Beefeater as a contemporary and sophisticated

brand. The new design has researched exceptionally well with the trade and

consumers who appreciate the stronger quality and heritage cues. The new

advertising has a distinctive and impactful creative look which we believe

will stand out against both our competitors and the spirit category in


See advertising, awareness, impact


Something that conveys significance.

I.e. utter marketing gash, its words like this that make society bad and help meaningless marketing plebians ascend the rungs of their pointless evil careers and step on anyone creative in their path. For shame marketing ... for shame.

Wow, that campaign is really impactful yeah, you understand what i mean yeah, yeah?


Duh-weebish for "significant".

Notwithstandingthe canonicalconvergence of sustainableframeworks within the infrastructures of business on demand, the logisticsof opportunisticlegerdemain in this example is impactful.


Impactful: Having much impact, or full of impact

this definition had a very impactful effect on cowgirl


maria came up with the this word the other day. It is NOT a real word

strong and impactful contribution


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