
What is I.m.s.?





Much like PMS for women only men have it 24/7

Me: Hey Brad!

Brad: What?

Me: I was just, you know, sayin' hey.

Brad: Well I don't have time for that right now.

Me: Whats Brad's problem??

Elisa: I don't know...it must be I.M.S.

Me: Whats that?

Elisa: Irritable Male Syndrome

Me: Hahahahahaha

See pms, ims, bitchyness, dick


The I.M.S., known to the world as the Infamous Mob Soldiers, consists of wiggers in bloomingdale who think they're hot shit. They range from ages 14-18 and listen to predominately black music. To get into this so-called 'IMS' you must with-stand a beating by the members for 1 minute and 30 seconds. They walk pretty much everywhere they go since none of them have money for cars and in their spare time they sit around at someones house toking up. All their money that they get from 'husslin' little kids is spent on weed and alcohol. If you go up to an 'IMS' member and ask about them they take themselves VERY seriously. They now have shirts that are black (go figure) and read "I.M.S." (once again, who would have thought?) They're useless, low-life people who seriously need to get out of this town and maybe be brought to the REAL ghetto and get their asses beat. They think they're all hard, but they're all just a bunch of bitches. I understand bloomingdale is boring, but please, PLEASE don't refer to it as 'the ghetto'

Guy: Yo you betta watch out nigga 'for I.M.S. come beat yo ass!

Guy 2: Oh 'fo real? oh shit, im scurred

Guy: Yo son, it's the real shit. watch the fuck out!

See wigger, useless, infamous, mobsters, chillaxerbate


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