In A Minute

What is In A Minute?


When you haven't done something in a long time.

For example, I haven't seen her in a minute.

See MM


what you say when someone tells you to do something but your too lazy to do it.

mother: billy! go take out the trash you stupid little cunt! i knew your father should have used a condom!

billy: in a minute....

See billy


A phrase used to make people think you are going to do what they say 'in a minute', however the task is almost always never done as the person is too lazy. It is most effective when used to piss someone off. Goes well with whining noises.

Simon: Get a life, you prick!

Tabish: In a minute! (moans)


Another way of saying farewell (like BYE), especially over the phone.

CALLER 1: I'll holla at you tomorrow.

CALLER 2: Alright.

CALLER 1: Alright, in a minute.

See bye, ciao, farewell, holla, peace


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