What is Inabit?
Derived from the saying "I'll see you in a bit" but obviously shortened for easy use. Obviously this word means exactly the same as "Good Bye"
I must go and water my ficus, inabit.
what you would say if you don't want to do something or feel awkward answering a question. It's also used to greatly annoy. There are many spin-offs of "inabit" like: "Scrinabit", "Guysdadabit","studyabit", "inamonth", "inayear" and "inawhile".
Person at marcus's house: "Hey, Marcus can i check just one quick thing on your laptop?"
Marcus: "Inabit"
Inabit is a mixture of words strung together and is quite often used by
"yeah Inabit mate!"
or most commonly just randomly shouted out loud.(In a deep rocky hard voice)